binge eating
or less commonly binge-eating
: an act or pattern of excessive or compulsive consumption of food
… if you deny yourself grandma's homemade pumpkin pie with whipped cream, it could haunt your dreams like Scrooge's ghosts. Sometimes, that feeling of deprivation leads to binge eating.—
John Boyle
: uncontrolled compulsive eating especially as a symptom of bulimia or binge eating disorder
Their binge eating is not what most people call binging, as when they occasionally start on a bag of chips or on a gallon of ice cream and just keep going. Instead, their condition is in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It involves binging multiple times a week. —
Gina Kolata
binge eat
verb transitive + intransitive
binge ate; binge eaten; binge eating; binge eats
If you realize that certain situations cause the urge to binge eat, create a plan in advance to avoid those scenarios or identify a trusted family member or friend who can help you, [Chelsea] Kronengold suggests.
Vanessa Caceres and Anna Medaris Miller
But try not to binge eat junk food and choose instead to enjoy your favorite unhealthy foods in moderation.
Laura Hotinger
binge eater
plural binge eaters
Many binge eaters eat alone because it is really a solitary event, not a social one.
Bobbie Randall
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